"I Broke All The Rules!"
If you have come to this point and think... Oh No! I broke all those rules and then some!
Don't dispair. It's human. Like I said, it's the natural urge after a breakup to do exactly the wrong things.
This doesn't mean the situation is hopeless - Far from it! You may need a bit more help to fix things, but you still have a big chance to turn this situation around.
It's up to you now if you want to continue flying blind, or take matters into your own hands and follow a structured plan to get your ex boyfriend back. You can, if you are committed.
So let's continue with one of my favorite "real life" examples of how to get your ex boyfriend back!
Of course this method won't be useful to everyone, but if you feel that it might suit your situation, I recommend you give it a try!
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